This Garrick Theatre Square One patch sheet was drawn up before the theatre refurbishment so needs to have the socket numbers updated. It is for a Square One lighting design that is a good starting point for most productions lighting. It allows for isolation of any of the nine stage areas, a mix of warm and cool colours, door specials and downstage spots or specials.
It requires 27 lights for the nine stage areas, two key lights at 45 degrees from the front and a backlight. The three downstage spots are nominal specials and will change for different lighting designs.
This lighting design had three dimmer racks available, which is 36 channels. It is an ideal design as there is a seperate dimmer channel for each light, which gives the lighting designer maximum flexibity to set lighting levels.
Theatres with less dimmer racks will have to compromise and pair lights up on some dimmer channels.